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Press conference on the JobEase project for women - an initiative of Idein Development Foundation

The project is funded by INTERREG V-A Romania - Bulgaria 2014-2020. The project partner is the Association for Sustainable Development Slatina, Romania. The value of the project is EUR 312,937.17, of which EUR 265,996.59 ERDF representing 85%, from national co-financing EUR 40,681.84 representing 13% and the contribution of the partners EUR 6,258.74 representing 2%.

The press conference started at 13:00. and was held in Vega Hall, Vega Hotel, Ruse.

The press conference was attended by the project team from the Idea Development Foundation, journalists from representative Ruse media - BNT, Delta TV, Bryag newspaper, Ruseinfo and representatives of various public institutions - Labor Office, Regional Employment Service, Regional Directorate for Employment Social assistance ”and others.

Ms. Katerina Kutincheva, in her capacity as Manager of the Idein Development Foundation and Project Manager, presented information on the objectives, activities, funding and expected results of the project.

The project seeks to explore and sustainably change attitudes towards one of the main territorial challenges in the field of employment in the cross-border region - low women's activity. The aim is to facilitate the access of unemployed women to the labor market by improving their skills and knowledge for finding a job. Specialists and teams in Ruse and Slatina, Romania will develop and propose a mechanism for better matching of labor supply and demand by providing relevant information on the labor market, career counseling and employment services relevant to the target group. project.

The representatives of the institutions agreed to cooperate in the implementation of the project in order to achieve and achieve the final results.


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